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Thursday 2 May 2013

my matriculation Year officially end :)

3o april 2o13.. my life as matriculation student,two year programme officially end ..sedih tapi happy.. to olls my friend ..thank you for such a nice memory that we go through together.. my olls lecturer ..thank you for everything ..gonna miss you and take care ! 2 years kite lalui bersama..terlalu banyak kenangan manis.. our journey still far right.? hopefully everyone will succesful.. i'm praying dat sume sambungg study kat universiti pilihan masing as matric student really nice right ? even tough.. we can go through wif every difficulties .. :) olwez smile ya? be strong.. for my best ever friend ~ tengku,adan,mael  >___< good luck in no matter what you doing.. i'll gonna miss you.. jage diri ..jage hati.. kite Bff sampai ke syurga .. jangan pernah berubah..jangan pernah lupekan persahabatan kite.. orait ? thank you for be my best ever friend and sorry for everything ~ take care . gambate ! 


congrat to olls sebab dah berjaya tamat belajar program matrikulasi dengan jayanya..walau ape pon..perjalanan hidup kite masih panjang...jangan pernah lupa pada yang Maha Kuasa..
setiap kejayaan kite sume adelah rezeki dariNya.. :)
moga semua mampu capai impian masing masing..walau perjalanan masih jaoh...hadapi dengan sifat kesabaran... gonna miss u pahang matriculation give me that good experience..
Thank you olls my lecturer.. moga sentiasa dirahmatiNya :D
#Thank You. Gooluck For Olls pdt batch 93. Take Care. Sayonara #

Malam perpisahan pdt :)

talking about my dinner pdt 4 .. sedih kot.. dah ke penghujungnye life kat matrik.. so.. malam dinner pdt ade peluang utk bergambar sama sama sebelum kiteorg punyer final exam :'(
persembahan dyeorg buat pun gempak ! ramai II nyanyi lagu sahabat.. salah satu nyer yg lirik nyer lebih kureng macm gini .."pertama kali kita berjumpa,diriku dipenuhi soalan....." lajuk pe ntah lagu tuh.,.tak ingat dah..tapi siyes sedih.. hmmm..harap II masing masing dapat rezeki sambung belajar lagi utk program ijazah :) i wish olls gudlark ..hehhe..gambate ! gambate !

dis will be memory forever! 

wif pn surizawati.. hehe..picture blurr .. 




#Orait.Take Care to olls my Friend .Sayonara and Gudlark #

ReVolusi Anjakan Paradigma =D

Setelah sekian lame menyepi disebabkan asha busy hadapi final exam baru ade mase utk ber'blog'.. alhamdulillah final exam dah tamat ! yeaaaahhh  =) let's talk about my topik right now..program RAP neh pihak kolej buat sebelum kteorg hadapi final.. program utk release kan tension ! haha.. biar bermotivasi gitu... hkhik >___< ..brlgsung selama 3 hari 2 malam kat sempurna resort ,kuantan (=
klik klik at sempurna resort  ! :O

 my BFF :D

syafa..tie ..asha..tengku :)

my roomate during dis program :)





Done uploading.. 1oo % complete.yeaahhh..hehe
#RAP for PDT IV really awesome# thank you pengarah and lecturer #
#we will gonna miss you#

Hi tea ^__^

hehe..just wanna share photo photo mase hi tea kat ump sempena amek short course arituh..hikhik :)
hi tea yang sangat best ! arigato ump :)




orait.take care ump .thanks a lot for give me that nice experience ! :)